
43 years old

Lives in Barnsley

I'm single, without children but I do have a dog. I am a Community Psychiatric Nurse in the North Kirklees area, so obviously I drive and have a car. I love driving and would like to drive around a race track, that's what I told the policeman when I got stopped for speeding!
I have a good sense of humour, dry, sometimes sarcastic but usually make most people laugh. I enjoy good intelligent conversation, someone with good manners who really wants to get to know me. I'm loyal and honest and been taken advantage of in the past for being too trustworthy.
I'd like someone who can make me laugh, treat me with respect and will appreciate all my qualities as I would theirs.
I enjoy good food and good wine, I'm very creative and love trying new things. I would love to fly over a volcano one day in a helicopter and hopefully share the experience X

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: South Yorkshire
City/Town: Barnsley
Age: 43
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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