
25 years old

Lives in Basildon

Hey, my names Bronwyn, Firstly lets say i love being outdoors, don't like being cooped up, i love being with my friends and being active. There are a couple of things that i could pin point at that would describe the kind of person i am. Depending on my mood of course. Listening to music. Singing (in the shower ). Ice skating for fun, Films, photography, pool. i could list all the things i love. but then what would be left for you to ask me? I'm Easy to talk to so don't hold back.
Im looking for someone who can make me laugh and keep me on my toes, in a good way, challenge me, and make things exiting, I give allot to people i care about. Im looking for a bit of romance yea, what girl isnt. But someone to makes me think, send them my way any day. I'm rather simple to understand, Em happiest when The people around me are Happy, Lindore chocolates are my heaven! and somewhere by the sea is my destination. Time to tell me something about you. Hope to here from who knows soon

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: Basildon
Age: 25
Martial Status: Attached
Body Type: Average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Light
Drinking: Heavy

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