
24 years old

Lives in Bolton

Hey my name is katie Beth am 21 years old. Don't ask me why am on here cause i really dont know i do think its silly lol.

Erm what can i tell you well i went to collage and did hairdressing and beauty and now am a beauty theripist.
Worked on Carnival Cruise lines in the spa. Did one contract and will not be doing another.I was based in the south of America and got to see loads of beautiful places.

Places I must see in the future;
* South Africa
* America
* Australia
* Tia Land
* New Zealand
* Rome

i love jet sking its in awsome.
What i didn't get to do was sky diving so that is a must for this year need to do that. I love Theme parks such a thrill.

I love my friends they mean everything to me. I love going out and having a laugh, dancing and lots of drinking :DD.
I love SHOPPING now what girl wouldn't.
Shoes and handbags :DD
i love going out for meal i do love al kinds of food yum yum.
I do love staying in watching movies and having lazy time in my pj's now who wouldn't. I love playing bored games.

oooo what else can i tell you well if u want to know anything else just ask i supoose.......

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Greater Manchester
City/Town: Bolton
Age: 24
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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