
22 years old

Lives in Bournemouth

well my name is Franchesca (Frankie for short) im 18 years old. I'm a strange, but of course in a good way. hehe. I have a very good sense of humour. i love music with a passion, all kinds of different types but rock or alternative are my favourites.

I care about how I look quite a lot but i don't go to extremes and i like to look natrual when i wear make up.

time of my likes and dislike list... :D

piercing :D
tattoos! :D
mahossive hugs
big kisses
warm snuggles
all my friends =3
happy and slight crazy people who are also weird and random people :P hehe
chocolate and cookie with ice cream monmonmon! :)
bedtime! :)
bacon and sausages nomnomnom :)
bean bags :D
the colour purple!
most of all dogs!

twilight (more of a hate!)
immature people that take it to far
rain :(
people that tell you the ending to something before you get there :(

give me a message! :)

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Bournemouth
City/Town: Bournemouth
Age: 22
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Big and lovely
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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