
28 years old

Lives in Bournemouth

Here goes, in my spare time I enjoy going to the gym, swimming and chilling in the spa after!! I also love going to the cinema to watch rom coms, socialising with my friends and family and having meals out.
I really enjoy holidays and weekends away. Paris, Barcelona, London, Dublic, Bath etc or spa weekends! I love musicals and seeing stand up comedians. Peter Kay, Sarah Millican, Michael McIntyre, Al Murry and Jimmy Carr are some of my favourites.
I am quite a girly girl and my taste in music is typical cheesy pop and some R n b - The Saturdays, Jamiroquai, Robbie Williams, Rihanna, Lily Allen, Eliza DooLittle, Girls Aloud, Pink etc.
I am lots of fun and I think I have a fantastic sense of humour :) I am very kind natured and loving and believe you get out of a relationship what you put in. I will put a lot of effort into making a relationship work for that special someone, but would expect to be treated the same way back.
I am a very homely person and love cuddling up on the sofa as well as enjoying the odd night in town too.
I'm a very kind, loving, affectionate, sweet and extremely honest person. I work hard so like to make the most of my time off.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Bournemouth
City/Town: Bournemouth
Age: 28
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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