
43 years old

Lives in Bournemouth

If you're looking to meet a confidant & outgoing woman who likes a laugh & doesn't take herself too seriously then read on (although for those that don't ever read to the bottom of a profile...sorry, I'm only looking to meet people within a 10 mile radius of Bournemouth!)

I think being fit & healthy is good for the mind so I try & go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I don't necessarily enjoy being there but feel very pleased with myself afterwards! Having said that I can be quite lazy & if the sun's out, I'll be lying in it somewhere.

I've been into motorsport for 20 years & have been fortunate enough to spend the last 10 working in the thick of it. I've met many of my heroes but my biggest claim to fame is nearly getting run over by Timo Glock in the Silverstone pitlane...oh and the time I helped Juan Pablo Montoya (who??) out of his overalls in the Williams garage but that's a story for telling over drinks. Never happier than watching the F1 on a Sunday with friends & a bottle of vino unless of course it's sunny & I can get the tele in the garden.

I've travelled quite extensively although I've still got a big list of places I want to see before I die so if you're the type that likes 2 weeks in Benidorm every year...I don't think it'll work out. I adore skiing & go every year plus I have family in Spain, Africa & Australia so I'm never short of places to stay. I'd really love to meet someone who likes to get out there & have a good old-fashioned adventure.

Another big thing - I love music! Prefrably live (and loud) so I go to as many festival as I can which combines another two of my favourite things - camping & vodka. I've got a diverse taste in music & was brought up listening to ELO, Tom Petty & Pink Floyd. Still love the old stuff but massively into Dreadzone, love a bit of Pink, some banging hard house to dance to, thinks Plan B is a lyrical genius & is looking forward to the return of Coldplay.

I run my own business designing & marketing carbon r

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Bournemouth
City/Town: Bournemouth
Age: 43
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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