
51 years old

Lives in Brighton

Intelligent , funny , genuine, tactile, trustworthy and reliable. A good listener but a good conversationalist too. Not afraid to speak up, very caring and unselfish. I enjoy new experiences and believe you are never too old to learn. I suppose I am described by my friends as having high standards,strong values and am loyal to a fault.. I enjoy good stimulating conversation, fine dining , am solvent and often love socialising and being out.I would like to think I have a strong personality and pay attention to detail. My children have all flown the nest and am ready to embrace the next chapter of my life!!! I believe manners maketh a man , and trust and respect are key.........hey ho all the above is true and would like to meet a like type man to spend time with..... P.S I am not a golddigger , I merely enjoy the finer things in life.... Just ask and I will reply

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Brighton and Hove
City/Town: Brighton
Age: 51
Martial Status:
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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