
22 years old

Lives in Brighton

Hi, my name is Jo, its short for Joanne. Im from brighton been here my whole life. Im looking for a relationship, but I am more than happy just to go on dates. Im in to dancing singing and acting, been dancing since I was 3 years old, and been acting and singing since I was about 12. I did 2 yers at college studing dance and performing arts, then applied for a dance college but was un able to get in. Im an easy outgoing person easy to get on with, I like hanging out with friends and family, clubbing, shopping, camping, football and I do like cars. I also use to a little modelling for a car club. If you would like to no more or get to no me let me no :). x

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Brighton and Hove
City/Town: Brighton
Age: 22
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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