
34 years old

Lives in Bristol

I am a young bubbly fun loving female ,well i feel young at 30.

People say I am honest, fun to be with, enthusiastic, reliable, attentive and a good listener.

My family and friends are very important to me, and make up a big part of whom I am. Taking time out of my busy life to spend time with my loved ones is critical.

I am an affectionate person and like to be affectionate towards the people I love, I believe if you love someone you must show and tell them.

I love spending time out socialising with friends but equally like being at home with a game of scrabble and a bottle of wine or two.

When out wineing and dining I enjoy nothing more then a curry and poppadoms, followed down with a glass of red and a sweet dessert.
I like my men like my curries full of flavour, creamy with just the right amount of spice.

When out dancing I love the whole build up of getting ready to go out, paying attention to every little detail. I love to dance the night away to all sorts of music from rave to current charts, as long as it got a rhyme I will dance to it. I have also been known to belt out songs on the karaoke. I need a man who will keep up with me on the dance floor and join me for a duet

I enjoy holidays in the sun, relaxing on a sun bed sipping sangria, likewise I also get a buzz out of chucking on the skis and hitting the piste working up an appetite for the apres ski.

I play darts for a local ladies team and i also play rugby for a ladies team.

I work hard, so I can play hard.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Bristol
City/Town: Bristol
Age: 34
Martial Status: Divorced
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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