
26 years old

Lives in Cambridge

I am a fun loving person who loves spending time with my family and friends! I'm happy snuggling up on the sofa with a film or going out for a few drinks and maybe even a little boogie!
I like basically any type of film or music! My film collection ranges from Finding Nemo to The fast and the furious to Breakfast at Tiffany's to Football Factory! My music playlists are just as random! I love Lee Evans, Michael Mcintyre, Russel Howard, Sarah Millican... the list is endless!
I have a very caring nature and love my job as a maternity care assistant! I hope to train as a midwife in 2012 but am currently doing a level 3 apprenticeship at work!
I like to have a laugh and am quite happy to laugh at myself (which i do on a regular basis)
I don't like to sleep on arguments so, as annoying as it may be, i will always try and sort things out as they happen! Although i don't argue with people very often so you should be pretty safe =0)
I must admit i do talk a lot and am full of useless information so you may have to shut me up every now and then!
I am not looking for someone who just wants a bit of "fun" and am definately after someone loyal! I have been messed about by too many men so am after someone who is happy with just one girl!
If you like what you see please feel free to message me!

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Cambridgeshire
City/Town: Cambridge
Age: 26
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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