
35 years old

Lives in Cardiff

What can i really say about myself here? Truth is you're probley not going to get to no me from a few lines! So in the mean time here's some things i look for in a man, 1.No need to have a body builder's body but take of yourself..x
2.A man who does'ent think im his mum!..x
3.Sence of humour is a must, i need someone to make me laugh,and to also share some of the things i like which are: Glass of wine after a long day,texting in the middle of the night! ,music, taking it easy, being random!, vodka shots, staying in bed till noon or later!, the beach, exploring new places, watching funny movies, and relaxing on the sofa after a hard day at work!...

If you want to know anything else just leave me a message, i don't bite honest(unless u want me 2!) ;) xxx

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: Wales
County: Cardiff
City/Town: Cardiff
Age: 35
Martial Status: Single
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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