
21 years old

Lives in Carmarthen

My name is Meryl but everyone calls me Mez or Mezzy. I am 18 and single. I am currently in College studying childcare. I also work part time in a pub.
I'm still living at home for the time being until I finish my college course. I'm learning to drive but i have my own car already. =]

I am a down to earth girl unlike most other girls on here. I might just be what your looking for. =]

I live in Wales on a farm, so yes i am a farmers daughter and proud of it. If you have any smug remarks to make about that, My reply is come say it to my face. =]

So when i was smaller I was a proper tom-boy, I used to go build dens, make bows are arrows, I had a amazing imagination. Some of that has changed as I've got older, e.g not that much of a tom-boy now however I'm still not afraid to get dirty. =]

I created this profile mainly because I am fed up of being used, treated like crap and lied to. I am hoping there are some tidy people who won't do any of that on here =]

I think im an easy person to get on with and have a laugh with. =]

Want to know anything else about me just ask me. x

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: Wales
County: Carmarthenshire
City/Town: Carmarthen
Age: 21
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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