
41 years old

Lives in Chester

After recently returning to the UK after 5 years abroad I have now settled in Chester. I'm intelligent, loving, sincere, and very honest with a wicked sense of humour and would like to meet someone with similar characteristics. I have NO time in my life for time wasters, liars, or ignorant people so please do not bother contacting me if you are one or all of the above. Please also have a picture if you want a response. I love music so dancing is one of my favourite things to do....especially with the girls....I will make no apologies for the fact that I also like a drink or two....Mines a JD & Coke thanks!!

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Cheshire
City/Town: Chester
Age: 41
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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