
28 years old

Lives in Doncaster

I love going out and having fun when I can. Love trying new things and enjoying myself - you only live once dont you?

I would love to see the world with someone even if its just a friendship.

As you can probably tell I love to laugh really enjoy nothing more than sitting and watching a comedy with a glass of wine in great company. I enjoy going out drinking with my friends and love the night life but also love nothing more than a soak in the bath. I'm pretty easy going and laid back. I love random days/nights in random places they always turn out to be some of the best days/nights of my life and usually ones I'll never forget, living in the moment not letting anything get in my way. I hardly ever plan things and just go with the flow or have some wild idea and feel the need to do it there and then. I can be sensible when I need to be though.

I dont have a type I'm not bothered where your from or what you look like or anything like that I think that as long as your comfortable with who you are thats all that matters.

This I have had to add so Im sorry if I offend if your a sex pest, perv or weirdo, married or want a threesome I'm sorry I'm not that type of person so I wont reply or get in touch so I wouldn't waste your time with me.

I hope to find my prince charming and who knows what the future holds!

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: South Yorkshire
City/Town: Doncaster
Age: 28
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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