
43 years old

Lives in Edinburgh

stop smoking 11th july 2011

im a very easy going, confident and down to earth young looking/acting (but defiantly not immature) 40 yr old. I can talk to anyone and get on with everyone, im NOT a total chatterbox, but I can hold my own very well in conversation. Ill talk about anything, im very open minded, not easily shocked or embarrassed. my personality is very complex, just like everyone on the planet. im honest, always up for a laugh and love a bit of carry on, sometimes a wee bit mischievous too. you can take me anywhere, im very adaptable. i'm just as comfy by a camp fire as i am at a ball. ill try anything once, if i like it, ill do it some more. was known to be a bit of a dare devil in my younger days. can laugh at myself and also, I am the worst speller in the world! something else i have to admit, i can be a bit blonde sometimes, and a bit random too.

Everyone loves music, its all about their different tastes. Ill listen to anything but seem to always veer back to late 80s early 90s indie, but I really have to stress, I like ALL music. (apart from cheesy pop or heavy rave!)

reason why i'm here? - I dont want to meet someone out at pub or a club... no true personality is shown through drink! Ever!

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: Scotland
County: Edinburgh
City/Town: Edinburgh
Age: 43
Martial Status:
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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