
27 years old

Lives in Lincoln

Hi there! I'm maegan. I work as a nurse in a nearby hospital. I'm very fortunate to have landed on a job that's so close by. You see, I can't tolerate long trips. Have you heard about motion sickness? Yes, I have that unfortunately. But hey, I'm not afraid of needles and blood. I like taking care of people, maybe that's why I ended up being a nurse. im a funny person too..
I don't care what you look like just as long you have a very pure heart and can take my shortcomings. Like I said, I can't travel a lot so if you're thinking of taking me to places, then that would be a very difficult task.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Lincolnshire
City/Town: Lincoln
Age: 27
Martial Status: Prefer not to say
Body Type: Average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Prefer not to say
Drinking: Not a Drinker

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