
30 years old

Lives in London

I'm an attractive girl, intelligent and naughty. I can be good company or a sex partner or both.
I'm a very kind person, polite, smiley and charming, I love laughing and having sex with a good and clean partner. I'm interested in art, love reading, dancing and watching films. Also I'm extremely passionate person, open-minded, fancy experimenting and trying new things.
I don't like one night stand or chat or anything like that. You have to be serious, honest and good-natured and the most important - to be ready to satisfy all my whims. I may be your girl, your life, your mistress, your special friend or whatever you want.

So, if you are interested, don't write me vulgar messages, please, just drop me an e-mail and invite me to dinner.

I hope to hear from you soon :)

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 30
Martial Status: Attached
Body Type: Average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Light
Drinking: Prefer not to say

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