
34 years old

Lives in London

I enjoy the company of positive people and I enjoy men who appreciate Kindness.I like to play are Tennis, Swimming, Singing, Dancing, ping-pong, Golf etc. So, If you're looking for a player or mind games, You should look elsewhere. This True honesty, I believe, is why I am still single, I believe I have a lot to Offer the right person but I want it to be the right from the beginning.
I know where I am going and I have alots of goals to accomplish but have not found the right man to join me in my Goals and help me succeed with these Goals. I'd like to develop a friendship first and see where it goes from their as I am very cautious, Meaning that It has to be right both of us, If it is right, You have me 100%.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 34
Martial Status: Attached
Body Type: Average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Prefer not to say
Drinking: Not a Drinker

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