
42 years old

Lives in Manchester

I am looking for a best friend and a lover, a good all rounder, i am a kind and considerate person, with a busy lifestyle, i have a lot of amazing friends but now i am just looking for someone special.....
I am told i have a very dry sense of humour and i am quite quick my friends keep telling me....
i just enjoy the funny side of most things really, and i think laughter is important.....someone who can make me chuckle and laugh would be amazing....

Careerwise .....I have just recently hung up the headphones after djing around the world for approx 10 years...UK Ibiza, Malaysia indonesia to name a few places i regularly toured.....i used to play house, electro and tech....depending on my gig.....but i love all kinds of music.

i have my own business which ticks over nicely now, and i am just setting up a new one so i do keep myself busy, but now i just need someone to share my time with...
I am very chatty and bubbly and cuddly.....and love a giggle and i am just looking for someone with a bit of banter and a similar sense of humour to me, but you cant tell that until you meet someone i guess...

I like all aspects of going out, meals, cinema, the odd club from time to time etc etc....
but i also enjoy snuggling up on the settee and watching a dvd....

I love weekends away and holidays in the sun......but then again - who doesn't!!!

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Greater Manchester
City/Town: Manchester
Age: 42
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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