
21 years old

Lives in Melton Mowbray

Hey Im Hannah.

I study Hairdressing. In fact, i just completed my first year at it. dead proud hah.

Things have to be neat and clean, just like my hair, my clothes, my nails and my body haha.

Looks donot bother me, i look at personality.

I live with my mother still, and i used to live with my 15 year old brother. I dont get on with my dad, although i try my hardest. We just never see eye to eye, especially since everytime a guy smiled at me in the street; i smiled back.. he'd complain or tell me i get about a bit. so i told him i was a lesbian, i dont know whats going to happen on my wedding day.. ill just have to say shes a bit of a butch manly woman; i guess.

I always make people laugh! unintentionally.

I always go by these sayings:
'What goes around comes around.'
'What doesnt kill you makes your stronger.'

I prefer nights in to messy nights out, but dont get me wrong, i like getting drunk sometimes haha.

Cas im a girl.. I think, wait let me check before i say anything..(berightback.)


yeah. its cool, im a girl. so as i was saying, cas im a girl i like makeup and music and soppy nights in with wine and takeaways. but dont get me wrong, im not an orange girl with her bum cheeks hanging out on a night out!

Im very short. Some say thats a plus.. i dont see it personally.

Everytime i go on holiday with my mum, brother and her boyfriend at the time (makes her sound a bit bad, that, dont it?) but yeah, something always happens. So i havent been on holiday for a long time. I refuse to go with her anymore.

Theres loads more, but my little fingers are getting tired. Message me, aye? :)

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Leicestershire
City/Town: Melton Mowbray
Age: 21
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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