
20 years old

Lives in Newbury

I've met some great, open-minded, fun people and I fancy meeting some more. So, about me:
My name is Aleksandra, but everybody calls me Aleksis. I'm from Lithuania and i'm NOT proud of it. I travel since i was 2 or 3 years old. I know few languages. In late summer i'm moving alone to UK, Berkshire, Newbury, and i think it is a good place to stop.
What else.. I never had a boyfriend, maybe because of travelling, maybe because of me.
I used to play football, tennis and box
If man will try to hit me, i think i'd kill him
When i was younger my dream was to ride bmx
I am REALLY shy
I am afraid of the dark
I have two small tattoos
I sing
I still watch football
I like meeting new people

I hate when mature people type lol's, K's and other stuff like that.

Maybe My English language isn't good enough yet, i'm trying to improve it. So, chatting will help me too. (:

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: West Berkshire
City/Town: Newbury
Age: 20
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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