
27 years old

Lives in Norwich

I'm really looking for friends first and then just to see what develops from there. I would like to find that special someone who could be friend, lover, partner, companion and anything else we might need each other to be to one another.

To be completely honest, I don't have a great deal of experience with men, so please try to keep this in mind (my limited experience with men also includes the more physical aspects of relationships, so it would help if you know how to exercise a little patience sometimes). I have been single for quite a while, as there have been other, more important things in my life. There still are, but I think maybe it's time to make a little room for more. I don't play games(I wouldn't even know where to begin) and I'm no good at being coy or playing hard to get. I always prefer honesty, even if it hurts a little.

I'm mostly American with bits of African, English, and Mexican/Spanish thrown in just for good measure. I grew up half way between England and the U.S.

I love cooking and baking and my kitchen very much shows the evidence of that ; ). I have a daughter and she is quite simply, the light of my life. I have a very large, noisy and absolutely wonderful family who I spend time with whenever possible. I love music(almost any genre), books, films and shiny new toys(usually of the kitchen kind). I love to swim(and go every week), but almost have to force myself to do any other form of exercise(which I also do every week). I'm in the planning stages of setting up my own business and maybe another different one with a friend.

I'm hoping to meet someone I that I have that spark and/or sizzle with. Or failing that it would be very nice to have a few more good friends. I'm also more interested in men older then myself, as I usually don't find I have much in common with men my own age.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and let me know if you'd like to know anything else. It might be nice to meet up for a drink or coffee, even if it doe

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Norfolk
City/Town: Norwich
Age: 27
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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