
23 years old

Lives in Norwich

Hi, I'm 21. Don't really know what I'm doing on here because money isn't important to me but I'm tired of wasting my time with guys that have no drive to go anywhere in life.

I like rock music, but I listen to pretty much anything, I love films, animals and seeing friends. I do go out drinking on the odd occasion but not very often. I smoke and I enjoy it but I don't do drugs. I normally have a lot to say, and although I work in sales I'm really struggling with this so I'll come back later =)

If you like me then talk to me...

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Norfolk
City/Town: Norwich
Age: 23
Martial Status:
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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