
24 years old

Lives in Sheffield

I love live music, electronica, rock & pop but I'm quite diverse.

I'm a bit of a gamer and a bit of a wannabe petrol head...I LOVE cars and looking into getting my own wheels soon *fingers crossed*
I love to write when I can. I love to read but tend to get too easily distracted by TV or the internet.I love a good film but will always choose a pint and a natter over most things :)

I have 6 tattoos & 13 piercings :)

I'm a bit off an optimistic pessimist, backward I know but that's me :)

*I think that people should live without regret. If you are happy with who you are than why would you ever change what had happened to make you that way.*

I must admit I have a love for Stephen Fry, Jeremy Clarkson & Hugh Laurie (QI, Top Gear & House MD FTW!)

That is all :) So if you like what you see don't be afraid to say hi.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: South Yorkshire
City/Town: Sheffield
Age: 24
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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