
36 years old

Lives in Sheffield

hey all :) im a single mum to my 4 kids, 2 teenage gals n 2 boys aged 8 n 3. we live in hilsborough in sheffield and also have 2 dogs. ive been single 2yr and think its bout time i put myself bak out there n found myself a man that knows ow t treat gals properly. if u wana know owt else, get in touch :)

i wana find love, that kind where ur heart beats fast even wen u think about that person. that special kind o lurrrvve also here t make friends :),i have a gud down t earth personality but im nt ur average girly gal lol. im a lil crazy as my friends myt se n quite dirty minded at times which i find pretty amusin :D lol. i av a lot o love t giv friends but even mre t show t a man, no boys plz, av ad enuf o them lol

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: South Yorkshire
City/Town: Sheffield
Age: 36
Martial Status: Separated
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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