
43 years old

Lives in Shepshed

I am a bubbly, outgoing girl who likes to have fun. I have a great sense of humour and have my friends in heaps of laughter regularly, usually when I explain to them how I got into trouble and then into even more trouble trying to get out of trouble ...... if that make sense lol. Life is never boring which is the way I like it. Life is a gift and should be enjoyed. I am definately a 'glass half full' girl.

I love spending time with my friends either in with a meal, wine and a good film or out with wine, wine and errrrrr wine although a recently developed passion for fruit cider could change that ! I love rugby (watching not playing). I am a regular at the gym. I also enjoy cooking, reading and decorating.

My taste in music is pretty random but my films are all ones with a happy ending - no horror !

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Leicestershire
City/Town: Shepshed
Age: 43
Marital Status: Separated
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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