
25 years old

Lives in Southampton

OK so i'm Kat, i'm looking for someone who can keep my attention. i'm a creative person, with a wide range of interests, and someone who can keep me interested is something that i have not found yet. Maybe i'm too picky, holding out for my ideal man but i not one for settling for average.

Don't get me wrong this isn't all about looks! its someone who i can connect with, someone on the same wave length, i can have intellectual conversation with ( i say intellectual i'm not a brainiac! but i like to think i have some substance) I'm not bothered about gym bunnies who have nothing going on between the ears except sex & muscles thank you! although if you think you can catch my attention have a crack.

I have views i am not afraid to voice, and enjoy debates. Im more pubs than clubs. Don't do football, but enjoy sitting by a race track in my summer months. Environmental awareness is something i hold close to my heart. i like silly facts, but can NEVER remember them .... my memory is actually tragic! ha ha) I'm up for a challenge, a hard worker desperately trying to feel my way through starting up my own fashion business..... hmmmm, watch this space!

Yeah so if you have read this fair then maybe i will hear frm you :)

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Southampton
City/Town: Southampton
Age: 25
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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