
22 years old

Lives in Swansea

Everything seems back to front, I roll on forward but end up right where I started. But I know I'm not going to stop until I get to where i want in life.

I'm passionate, very witty, intelligent, blunt but not aggressive, forward but not slutty, driven but tame, wild but in a playful way, but far from a reckless teen, I think way too much to be able to let loose, but I'm not an uptight swat, I just know my limits and I'm creative in every sense.

I believe i cannot express myself completely, the english language is too limited to be able to explain me, the real me. I'm especially interested in politics, and literature, and music i listen to it a hell of a lot. Particularly metal, rock ect.

I don't lie, and trust is of the upmost importance to me. I never give second chances. Why get bitten twice? I've made that mistake too many times.
And learnt from it.

I'm not insecure but i'm far from arrogant. I know I'm not perfect, flawless or plastic, but I will try hard to make up for that. My fashion is different, it makes my statement, but that doesn't mean that it explains me, talk to me, find out for yourself.

I've just started my degree at Swansea University and I'm studying Ancient History which is something I'm really passionate about.

I'm Sarah and its nice to meet you. Now make your statement.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: Wales
County: Swansea
City/Town: Swansea
Age: 22
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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