
23 years old

Lives in Swansea

5ft2 and a bit,currently blonde.I go on holiday to 43 degrees in Egypt for a week and still look pale but dont care... call me an eskimo if u like but fake tan is 100 times worse.

Im crazy hyper, obsessive, neurotic (think lauralie off gilmore girls if you've ever watched it) and a complete pain i know but if ur kwl with that supposedly I can be pretty sweet.

Im studying at Swansea Uni. I have three tattoos in total and not including my ears i have three piercings. My favorite quote is from my Gran and is tattooed down my spine... 'Only regret the things you didn't do' its a reminder that even if im scared i should take that chance cos if I dont it will be something I'll regret for the rest of my life... even if you make some mistakes at least you'll have lived life to the full.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: Wales
County: Swansea
City/Town: Swansea
Age: 23
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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